Weekly Astrology Forecast--All Direct Motion
Updated: Feb 13, 2024
When Uranus went direct, we entered the all-too-brief period of each year when all planets are direct. This week is a waning Lunar Cycle on the way to an Aquarius New Moon on February 9th so we aren't yet moving full steam ahead. But Spring shows up with early signs and the festival of First Buds, Imbolc, arrives. It is on Friday, Feburary 2nd in the calendar way, Sunday the 4th-Monday the 5th astronomically, when the Sun enters 15 Aquarius.
This 28-minute podcast will discuss these things and give the week's planetary energy forecast. Knowing this helps us plan our time wisely and understand what is happening in the outer world and in our lives.
I had a wonderful interview with Lizz Naughton on her podcast, Soulful Conversations with Modern Day Healers. This time two modern day healers talked about bringing in healing and other information from ancestral wisdom and other things related to the Revealing the Druid Legacy series.
I was also very happy to receive my first, glowing 5* Review on the recently launched final book of the series, Priestess of the Prophecy.
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