Weekly Astrology Forecast--Midwinter Solstice on Saturday
The week beginning Monday, December 16th and ending on Sunday, December 22nd brings the shift of the Sun into the Cardinal Earth Sign, Capricorn at 4:21 a.m. EST on Saturday the 21st.
This 30-minute podcast gives information about the chart for the time of the Capricorn ingress. It reveals the prominent energies and issues for the Solar First Quarter Phase which ends with the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2025.
The 33-minute podcast has the the daily astrology forecast for the week ahead. Knowing this can help you plan your time wisely and understand what you're seeing in the world and in your life.
My Substack posts this week included two relevant posts for the Solstice and the holidays celebrated at this time. Midwinter Solstice Festival includes information about the changing customs of celebration and names for this event. It also has the link for the astrology of the Solstice chart. And The Scents of the Season gives information about making a blend of essential oils for this time and also the seasons of winter through spring. Substack subscription is free and so are these posts.
The Moondays Report is now for paid subscribers only. Here's a review from a recent paid subscriber:
"I love your teachings & writings and adore your genius & insightful mind. Mahalo for all your beautifully enlightening shares🌺"
Holiday gift suggestions: A Natal Chart Reading or 3-Deck Card Reading, a novel from the Revealing the Druid Legacy Series or a Bach Flower Consultation
Solstice Blessings!
Astrocal is based in the UK and has artwork and lunar calendars
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