Weekly Astrology Forecast--Venus in Cancer and Father's Day
The week beginning Monday, June 10th, and ending on Sunday, June 16th, we are in the first quarter Lunar Phase where we plot and plan for our goals and the tasks we would like to successfully complete. At week's end is Father's Day in the US, and in the late night PDT and early on Monday the 17th in EDT, Venus leaves the mental realm of Gemini and enters the sensitive feelings of Cancer.
This 24-minute podcast gives information for those events and the rest of the planetary energy forecast for the week ahead.

The Bach Flowers and Astrology workshop is two week's away. June 23rd from 10 to 1 p.m. EDT on Zoom. This gentle and effective energy medicine method is a wonderful tool to have when there is need for yourself or others. This class will convey how to connect the essences to the individual astrology chart or to the effects of current transits for greater support and strength. All who Rgister will receive the Zoom recording. Your investment is $98 and this includes a scheduled half-hour consultation with me after the workshop to help you select the Astrological Essences for your chart or for another's.
And Please Note: Last week I discovered that I had an unanticipated problem with the method I chose to recieve money. It works to send money to shellie@shellieenteen.com either with PayPal or Zelle...and with PayPal you can find a box for you to leave a note with your email address. But Zelle doesn't let you leave your email address (and that does make sense in this instance), so if you do that form of Registration please email me and let me know, so I will have your email to send you the Zoom link and recording. Thank you. Next time I'll create an Event and life will run more smoothly for all.
Ready for a Reading? Visit the Astrology Readings Page and schedule yours, or Contact Me for more information and other ways to pay.
Art: Tamara Adams
#astrology #astrologypodcast #astrologer #astrologerforecast #weeklyastrology #venusincancer #fathersday #astrologyreadings #bachflowerremedies #bachflowers #bachflowerconsultation #astrologyworkshop #astrologyclasses #astrologicalforecast #dailyforecast