The practice of Astrology is both a science and an art. The science involves the precise plotting of the heavens at the time of birth to see the individual life experience through the meanings of planetary placements. There is so much information contained in a birth chart that a reading might go on forever and not touch all that can be seen about the life—or the past, present and future probabilities. And so there is the need for a reader’s intuition to select the pertinent information and deliver their interpretation in a clear and relevant way for the client. That is the art.
Types of Astrological Readings include the interpretation of the birth chart with current indications, relationship compatibility, exploring messages of the Centaurs, election of the best timing for a desired outcome (marriage, opening a business, buying a home, etc.), finding the best location to live or find work, and answering an important ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question.
Shellie’s Services
A reading with Shellie answers questions, creates greater understanding about life’s direction, defines when certain things are supported or best left alone, and describes how relationships work and what lessons are being learned. They may also include suggestions for supportive Bach Flower Remedies or Essential Oils.
Ultimately, Shellie intends for each reading to be an experience of trustworthy guidance, validation and self- empowerment for her client. Readings are done in person, via Zoom or telephone. Zoom sessions can be recorded. Some types of readings are emailed reports. See the selections below to order a reading.
Types of Readings Available

Natal Chart Reading (with Transits and Progressions)
First Consultation
This reading gives information about you and tracks the important influences in your chart for up to a year. I give suggestions about the most productive ways to use the energies and may include information about supportive Bach Flower Remedies and Essential Oils. Choose from a recorded teleconference call with emailed mp3 link, or Zoom, which you can record to your own device. You can be present at either type of session, or ask me to record the teleconference call without being there. When I receive your payment I will email you for your birth information (date, time, place) and to set up an appointment. Sessions last up to an hour.

Returning Clients

Composite Chart Reading
Using the birth charts for two individuals, this reading describes the relationship and compatibility factors and looks at current influences and projections for up to a year. Choose from a recorded teleconference call with emailed mp3 link, or Zoom, which you can record to your own device. You can be present at either type of session, or ask me to record the teleconference call I will send the mp3 link. When I receive your payment I will email you for birth information (date, time, place) for both people, and to set up an appointment. This session lasts up to 90 minutes.

Chiron and the Centaurs (Galactic Messengers)
As consciousness expands, the influence of the Centaurs becomes more visible in the birth chart. The Five Centaurs discussed are Chiron, the wounded healer and great teacher; Chariklo, the great priestess, wife of Chiron; Pholus, the Diviner, Nessus, the Creator of Change and Okyrhoe, the Prophetess, Daughter of Chiron and Chariklo. They have much to do with acting on the Ancestral influence and enhancing gifts. When I receive your payment, I will email you for your birth information (date, time, place). The reading is up to 30 minutes and done via recorded teleconference with an mp3 link emailed to you. If you buy this at the same time you order a Natal Chart Reading it can be added to the reading session, making that session up to 90 minutes. The choice of teleconference or Zoom will apply when the readings are combined (see Natal Chart Reading description above.)

Conscious Election (Best Timing)
If you're wondering when to begin or act-on something important, this reading will look at your birth chart and astrological influences to discover the best possible timing. The reading is emailed as a PDF report. When I receive your payment, I will email you for your birth information (date, time, place) and to learn the specifics of your important project and if you have any particular restrictions on when it might take place. Then I will examine your chart and report on the answer.

Locality Election (Best Place)
Wondering where to go for the best experience in career, home, health, romance, or other area of life? A look at the planetary lines and the relocation of your birth chart gives answers to the specific focus and more. A PDF report is emailed to you. When you order, I will send an email asking for your birth information (date, time, place) and a description of your interest in finding a good location. Then I will investigate and create the report and send it to you.

Horary (Question) Chart (Yes or No)
This reading is for a 'burning question' and the question must be asked in a 'one part' form that can be answered with a yes or a no. (examples "Will I marry Bill?" not "Will I marry Bill or stay single?" "Should I take the job at X?" not "Should I take the job at X or the one at Y?") After you order, I will send you an email to ask for the yes or no question and your birth information (date, time, place). I will email to acknowledge receipt of both. Then the answer will come as a PDF emailed to you.

Note: Questions may be asked after all readings where you were not present, but those must be emailed to me no longer than 7 days after you have received the reading.
Astrological Training
Shellie began her training in traditional Western Astrology with a personal tutor in 1976. After several years of weekly lessons, her private practice began. Knowledge increased through reading and attending lectures. More formal training came in 1999, when she attended Jeffrey Wolf Green’s London School of Evolutionary Astrology. She began to incorporate this powerful way to see both the background and current path of the Soul to give greater validation and meaning to the events and experiences in the client’s life.
Study (and conversations) with Melanie Reinhart (author of Chiron and the Healing Journey)in 2017 expanded Shellie's awareness of Chiron and the Centaurs. These messengers, relatively new to the astrological world, reveal the source of our wound, the way toward our personal path of healing and gift us with a new dimension to our life's purpose.
Shellie has also studied and incorporated the philosophy contained in Spiritual Astrology. This came through individual study, and seminars with Alan Oken and others. Shellie also gains insight through Sabian Symbols, Fixed Stars, and the use of Tarot, or other card decks.
Shellie has lectured for both the South Florida Astrological Association and the Asheville Friends of Astrology. She has been published in The Mountain Astrologer and her daily forecasts can be found on the Facebook Astralessence page. Shellie hosts the Weekly Astro-Forecast published on the Blog page where you also can find posts about current lunar events and more.